Friday, June 4, 2010

Kudos for Steve

I am very late at posting all this stuff about Steve, but better late than never.

As a graduate in the Logan High School class of 1999, it is with deep regret that I announce Steve's new position at ...

Mountain Crest High School!!

Steve will be teaching a variety of tech ed courses (woods, drafting, small engines, engineering).

He starts teaching this fall, and really I'm excited for him. Way to go Steve!
(He will be continuing on with his PhD, just not full time)

Other important news.
Steve and his VEX robot team were recently featured in the local paper (The Herald Urinal) for doing so well at his robot competition in Texas. He was the adviser for the undergrad student team.

You can learn about VEX robots here.

The red arrow is pointing to Steve.
(Sorry guy, for covering your face).


dustjen said...

Way to go Steve!! That is exciting, even though it is out "there"!

Lori said...

TRAITOR! but really, we're happy for him.