Friday, May 18, 2012

8 weeks old

Baby Hank (as Drew calls him) is 8 weeks old.  We haven’t even reached my due date yet.  Weird. 

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What is going on with him

  • Is on CPAP again!  Not fun, except instead of nasal prongs and a mask, he is trying out the new delivery method.  A nasal canula.  Much more tolerable.  Has been doing pretty good on this and the added pressure is giving him the extra support his lungs need.


  • Still on antibiotics.  The neonatologists decided to keep him on after the pneumonia scare.  He is completing a 10 day course and is on day 8.  His white blood count has been left shifted, which means his body is making more white blood cells and there are immature cells.  This usually indicates he is fighting an infection.  Though, his CRP (measures inflammation) is not elevated at all.  His antibiotics are vancomycin and gentamicin. 
  • Was started on two diuretics.  These are drugs that help remove excess fluid from his body (lungs, etc).  These were started by the neonatologists because they are not sure if Hank’s lungs are congested because of his heart (even though the cardiologists say no, that the heart function is good).   He gets spironolactone and chlorothiazide. 
  • Chest x-rays have been terrible, until the last one.  Though the doctors say, the x-rays seem to be bothering them more than him.  His last one was quite a bit better.  Not really sure if it is from the diuretic or antibiotic since they were started at the same time. 
  • Gets to have an antifungal again.  His platelets have been low, and a lot of times, fungal infections cause this to happen.  Clinically, he doesn’t see to have a fungal infection, but I guess it’s better to be safe than sorry.  He gets fluconazole for 7 days. 
  • Had a heart ECHO today.  It was done to see if he was having any heart failure.  They did the workup because Hank’s liver has moved down, and he had some abnormal labs that measure his liver function.  Liver problems can indicate heart failure by showing the heart cannot pump the blood adequately through the tissues.  Blood gets backed up in the liver and causes it to move lower,  into the abdominal cavity.  I haven’t seen the results from this yet. 
  • Is still on continuous feeds.  He gets these through a nasogastric (NG) tube.  They removed his feeding tube that went through his mouth and it has been great for him.  He is starting to suck on his paci quite a bit more.  It’s nice that the tube in his mouth was removed because it will help prevent him from developing an oral aversion (a lot of these little babies develop that).  


  • Is ready to try to eat from a bottle, but can’t!  Super frustrating.  It would be hard for him to swallow with the high flow oxygen.  Imagine feeling like water hoses are blowing water up your nose and trying to eat at the same time.  Not super pleasant.  As soon as he can eat, we will be close to going home.  Definitely not going to be anytime soon. 
  • Weighs 2150 grams.  4 pounds 13 ounces.  Gains weight like a champ. 

hank collage

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing what is happening with Hank and your family. What a journey you are on!! I continue to pray for him and your family. You are all amazing!