Friday, June 29, 2012

update on baby.

So, after Hank got his pacer, we moved back up to the NICU.  We missed it there!  Since it has been so long since I have updated, I will just do a short summary. 

Hank sat on the ventilator for 8 days after surgery, then he was extubated on the 26th (last Tuesday).  Since then, he has done really well on his CPAP and has been able to wean down with little problems since then. 

after extubation

Hank, minutes after extubation.  Still likes his paci!

hank awake

While he was on the ventilator Henry got more inhaled nitric oxide to help improve some pulmonary hypertension that he had developed again.  Apparently, it helped because on his last heart ECHO, it was gone. 

We are slowly getting him back to his full feeds that he was on before his surgery.  Until then, he gets his nutrition through his IV (a PICC line), which hopefully will come out this weekend.   

Here is Henry for his 13 week pictures.  Looking pretty good.  He is now in size 1 diapers instead of preemie.  He is almost regular. 


Hank got his crib back soon after he was extubated.  His biggest gripe now is the poor kid is having a rough time going without his pain meds.  Unfortunately, he gets a bit cranky once his morphine wears off and sometimes needs an extra dose of ativan to help keep him calm.  This will get better for him and is pretty common for these little kids. 



We are so excited for him to come home!

drew on horse


renee said...

what a sweetie and we are sure Andrew is looking forward to his brother coming home!! love ya, Ron and Renee

Jenna said...

Liz! He's looking so good! I think about you guys a lot! I hope he continues to do great and that he'll get to come home soon!