Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Finally, I ventured far away from home with Hank.  My mom and I took the 2 boys to visit my sister Leslie in Virginia.  There was definitely a lot of prep involved to get all of Hank’s stuff on an airplane, but I got it done.  I did learn a lesson though:  no air travel without Steve (at least while Hank is on oxygen).  That was tough work.  I hauled my camera all the way out there, but guess what?!  I never even used it.  Sad.  Good thing for these high tech cell phones we have nowadays. 

Plane trip.  The boys were amazing. 


Spent a lot of time just playing at Leslie’s house.  It was a great break. 


Our numbers looked great at sea level (top is his oxygen saturation)


Got to experience our first Wiggles concert.  Definitely will do it again. 


Plane trip home. 


Starving after the flight. 


New glasses waiting when we got home.  Definitely needed. 



Lisa said...

You are one brave momma. Looks like it was worth the effort too!

Lori said...

Liz, it was good to see you and I love Dreew's new glasses. Love you!