Saturday, March 29, 2014

all about Hank

My little Henry.  Can you believe this sick little baby has grown up to a strong amazing toddler?  A two year old, it blows my mind. 


Just look at him now! (yes he still has the cannula, just not for bath time)



Hank has grown so much.  He’s so strong.  He has been able to walk and toddle around since just after he turned 1 year old.  He has great gross and find motor skills.   It’s the little things that Hank loves.  He is especially interested in the piano and The Wiggles and loves music. 


Just this week he has really started dancing to music and enjoying dancing with his brother and daddy. 


Hank just started learning about the mimic concept.  He sticks his tongue out with Mom and Dad and loves to practice waving bye-bye and clapping hands.   Oh, and his hair – I’ll get to that later!


Hank’s most favorite person is Grandma Suzie, no doubt!  He is so so lucky to have her around. 


We feel so lucky that we have Mr. Hank.  What a blessing and joy!


I   love  his hair.  That is all. 


Thanks for listening to me goo and gah over my baby!  I just can’t help myself. 



Lisa said...

Hank is courageous and amazing...and so is his Momma!

Jen said...

What an amazing little guy. I am so happy that he is so healthy and strong. I see so much of you in him!!

renee said...

You rock Hank! Amazing!