Monday, March 2, 2015

leaps and bounds


To say that Hank has changed since he came off his oxygen less than 3 months ago is such an understatement.  His developmental changes have shocked us. 

Some of the crazy stuff he’s been up to…

        Preschool with his besties (Evelyn is so so cute).              Can you believe he is getting along and playing with Drew? 

IMG_6175                    IMG_6289

Still freaking out at doctor appointments, but what 2 year old doesn’t?     

IMG_6238                        IMG_6291

                                                                               Look, he eats spaghetti like a regular kid!


Drew has just been up to his regular shenanigans.  Playing with friends, loving himself, and being a fun kid.  Yay for 4 year olds! 



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