Thursday, June 11, 2015

big brother



This kid!  He has been such a trooper the last few months.  He has also been cracking us up!  Some of his antics lately…

While in Boston with Grandma she took Drew, Abby, and Olivia everywhere.  Apparently Drew didn’t appreciate it and told her, “If I knew 101 stupid, boring people I would call them Grandma”

I took Drew to City Creek Shopping Center while Hank was in the hospital.  While he was there he saw a woman dressed in a Hijab and got a terrified look on his face and yelled “ninja.”  I was mortified.  We have since talked about that.  To be 5…

The other day he randomly told Grandma and me, “There is a son waiting for me in heaven.  When I marry Elise he will come down.  He will come in Elise’s belly.”

Overheard.  When jumping on a trampoline an older boy also jumping did a flip.  Drew said “My tumbling teacher helps me do flips.”  The other kid says, “well I do it without a tumbling teacher.”  Drew’s reply, “well I can read without a reading teacher.”  Touche’.



He just started tee ball this year and is on a team with a lot of his friends and neighborhood kids. 


Drew has also been working on his writing skills to prepare for kindergarten next year.  He loves to write notes to his buddy Owen and I find little notes all over around the house! 


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