Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Drew is Two

Happy Happy Birthday to my baby boy Drew. Unfortunately, I missed posting on Drew’s actual birthday, and haven’t had a chance to catch up until now. What a horrible mom.
Mr. Drew is a busy busy boy. Some of his favorite things to do are:

1.  Play outside
2.  Chase the kitties
3.  Sleep in his bed
4.  Take bubble baths
5.  Play with his friends at "school"
Drew loves the alphabet and numbers.  He can count and recognize all the numbers up to 20.  He knows the all the letters and the sounds they make.  He loves to say colors and shapes also. 

Some of Drew's accomplishments:

1.  Speaks in sentences (sometimes)
2.  Great singer.  (Some favorite songs:  twinkle twinkle, mary had a little lamb, wheels on the bus, and many more) 
3.  Can recognize when spelled out the words, Drew, Mom, and Dad.   

(This picture was taken at primary children's.  I don't even have a good picture to post of Drew.  Man, I feel like a failure)

Drew is such a good boy and we are so glad that he's around.  It's been a good two years. 


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday little buddy!!! You are way too cute!

Becky said...

Oh liz, if you're a failure than I'm in TOTAL trouble! He is quite the impressive 2 year old! There is a good chance he is more advanced than my 3 1/2 year old!