Sunday, March 4, 2012

a while

I guess I haven’t posted on here in a little while, but I did have a few pictures of what Drew has been up to as of late.  It’s surprising how much he changes from day to day as he gets closer to his second birthday. 

Watch this video of Drew doing one of his favorite things (singing).  This was about a month and a half ago, so we have improved a bit. 

Henry update:

Henry is doing about the same as last time I posted.  His little heart is still so slow, but he hasn’t had any poor outcomes from it so far.   We have lasted this way for about 8 weeks now and hope to continue for 4 to 6 more at least.  He is definitely growing and is normal size for his gestation which is a great sign for him.  What a tough kid. 

I did get to go to Madison, Wisconsin and meet with some doctors and equipment that tested Henry’s heart further.  They haven’t got the official results, though most of the results they did have showed us what we already knew.  There were a few things that Henry showed that had been positive in other babies like ours, so that was a relief. 

Back to Drew:

Here are a few pictures to enjoy. 




1 comment:

Susie said...

That video is so cute!! I LOVE it when they first start singing!!