Tuesday, April 3, 2012

another good day

Look at Drew!  He went to the Children’s Museum with his dad and got to play in a helicopter. 

drewheliptor2 drewhelicoptor1

What a fun time until he learned he had to share it, and had a meltdown. 

Hank is still doing really well.  His nitric oxide is being weaned, and he is doing really well with that.  His oxygen needs (FiO2) is still up and down, but not 100%. 

He graduated to a new bed!

From this:


To this: 


This is a “Giraffe” Bed.  It keeps him warm and keeps the noise out, since Hank is in the busy, loud room.  The top comes off in case they have to access him quick. 

He is also started on trophic feeds, which means that he is getting tiny amounts of food through his feeding tube.  This is done to “prime” the gut, or allow the gut to start working, build up normal GI bacteria, and see what he can tolerate as far as feeds good.  He has done well on that, so far. 

We are still weaning the milrinone and have started weaning the fentanyl drip.  He is starting to wake up.


Look at him, peeking at Mom. 


Cute little scrunched face.  

I hope we can keep moving in the right direction. 


1 comment:

Hilary said...

sweet lil guy. He's looking great.