OK, so I don't really know about tags, but Lori tagged me, so I will try.
You are suppossed to go to the 4th folder in your pictures, then pick the 4th picture, add it to your blog and tell about it.
So, here it is. Are you surprised? I don't have pictures of my own
kids because I don't have any :). This is Leslie's daughter Emi at
the ward Halloween party playing bingo. I helped Leslie that night who
took Nick, his friend Ethan, and Emi to the party. We had a fun time.

So, I am guessing that since the theme of this tag is the #4, you
are suppossed to tag 4 more people. Is that right? Well, unfortunately, I only have
3 to tag, so, here goes.
Janet, and
Brittney. Good luck!