Monday, November 29, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Vacation and then some…
Drew, me, and my Mom got to go visit Lori and her family in Pennsylvania last week. It was fun visiting and playing with cousins. And bonus, Drew was really good on the plane. Thanks Lori and family for having us… can we come back again?
Grandma and Drew looking out the window on the plane
Our fun fun fun cousins, Olivia and Abby.
We miss them already
We have recently found a new love…

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A Little Time. . .
Ever since little Drew came along, and then I went back to work, it seems that extra time just doesn’t exist. Although lately I have found a little extra time here and there to make this . . .
and see who reaps the benefits?
I also had a some more time to help make this. . .
Yummy! Although, I can’t take much credit at all. It was mostly my lovely sister Leslie and amazing Mom.
I also participated in a fun winter market with my Mom, for which I made a lot of these . . .
and my Mom made these beauties (among many others). . .
Needless to say, my extra time is sure flying by and my baby is getting so big so fast. Look at this self-feeding action going on
(this is the fun part of the post).
Don’t you just love those little fingers? I know I do!
And just for fun, here are a few more pictures
(as if I don’t have enough already).