Saturday, April 30, 2011
He didn’t want to wear it…
I finally finished another knitting project, which was promised for darling Olivia, many months ago.
(My friend Meghan’s 2 month old daughter, I hope she didn’t mind that I stole this picture from her blog)
Poor Drew had to be my model so I could get a good shot of it, and he didn’t like it at all. (At least he is enough of a man to pull it off :))
Happy Birthday Nick
Drew’s cousin Nick, the first grandchild on the Stones side, just had his 8th birthday. He’s such a smart, nice boy and we are so glad he is in our family.
We had a great time at his birthday party.
(Isn’t Leslie’s cake awesome?)
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Disney Part 2
Here are a few more pics from our trip to Florida last week.
Drew’s favorites from the trip:
Admiring himself in the mirror
Playing with cousins
The carousel
Minnie Mouse (He thought Mickey was just ok)
Friday, April 15, 2011
Disney World
Still growing

He loves to point out the window and say "birdie"
He also points at all his doggies, and loves to pat them

Anything in the air that is floating is called "boon" (balloon).
Other new words
Butt (thanks steve)
Ummm... (says with each bite of food)
Posted from my iPad
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Number 1 Again
I didn't take too many pictures but here are a few.
Drew loves Cookie Monster, so he got these special cupcakes.

Thanks again, Grandma and Grandpa Williams for making the trip and the nice gifts. Also to Aunt Marsha and Aunt Renee and Uncle Ron. We had a good celebration.