Recently I read this book.

Any of you read it? If you have the courage to read a novel about a cancer ridden teen and her thoughts on love, life, and death, read it! It’s hard, but worth it. After I read it, I was sure it was based on a real girl. Come to find out, it’s not, really. Except, the author John Green who wrote it knew this cancer ridden teen girl named Esther Grace Earl. She has a brand new book too.

Researching more into this book, I decided to purchase and read it. I will pat myself on the back for that decision. Really, I started reading Esther’s journal and writings just last Wednesday. That night, I wondered if I would be able to finish the book. It was hard to read. It made me feel so sad. I had just got back from a pulmonology appointment with Hank knowing we would continue the oxygen for who knows how long. That same day Hank had more testing regarding his developmental delays and really didn’t get the best news. I wondered and worried what Hank’s future would hold. I was seriously feeling sorry for myself. Boo, seriously get over it Liz, right? Darn right!
As I read Esther’s journal it was amazing to read the voice of a 14 year old with a terminal illness and her thoughts on life, death, friends, and family. I wish Esther had been my friend. She touched me so much with her book. Made me realize how blessed we really are and how strong these rock star kids can be. Please please please read it. You won’t regret it.
Read about Esther and her amazing organization here.
“Just be happy, and if you can’t be happy, do things that make you happy. Or do nothing with the people that make you happy.”
-Esther Earl