Since I am so far behind in my “journaling” I am going to have to do a marathon post. Sorry for all the pictures in no particular order. Hold on…
Two of the cutest Jr Aggies you will ever see.

Doodle Dress up time.

Hank started preschool and will sit through “large group” without a freak out.

Getting the basement re-organized (my room)

Some of our harvest.

Mustache boys on Matt’s 6th Birthday!

Drew became a shoe designer.

Fresh peach pie. No words.

Drew became an astronaut.

Our plums all bottled and turned to jam.

Drew became a preschooler (this really happened)

Our fall raspberries came on and are overwhelming us.

One sick day with two brothers getting along. for once.

sleeping and growing.

Drew became Lewis from “Meet the Robinson’s” (I borrowed this picture from

Drew became a spider.

Lots of swimming at Grandma and Grandpa’s

A tattoo for a day.

Drew did not become a tennis pro, but he’s working on it.

You guessed it, Drew became Darth Vader and will be until Halloween.