June was a fun month for our family. Drew did swimming lessons for a few weeks and did a lot of playing. Hank started back in his special preschool. Both boys are doing great and growing and seem to be learning so much. Steve got a new job at USU Brigham City Campus as a professor and started his job there. I just have been doing the regular!!
Some of the stuff we have been up to.
Trying to get this kid to gain weight. When the cardiologist says “feeding tube”, we start packing in the calories any way we can. Good news though, he has been eating much more and seems to be getting a little meat on his bones!!

The boys have transitioned to sharing a bedroom. We moved Drew’s bunk bed into Hank’s room and are still trying to get the rooms all put together. We will get there eventually!!

This kid finally lost his first tooth. The tooth fairy came and brought him a whole dollar. He already has a new tooth growing in it’s place.

It’s been so hot, so we have been spending lots of time outside and at the pool. Drew is turning into quite the little swimmer and Hank is finally braving putting his feet in the water and occasionally sitting in the pool!

We stopped at Bear World on the way home from Montana the other day. Too much fun. Drew was so tired afterwards though and slept on the drive home!