Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Meet baby boy #2.  Due end of May, which puts me about 21 weeks (almost), but who’s counting? 


We had a few surprises with this new baby.  He sure is an active little boy which we found at his 20 week ultrasound last week.  We also found that he has a heart conduction problem, meaning his heart doesn’t beat quite the way it should. 

After Mom got to spend 4 days at University Hospital to convert his heart to a better rhythm, we are finally home and stable for now.    Timing couldn’t have better for baby boy seeing how we seemed to have caught the problem just in time. 

Little Mr. will get lots of attention over the next couple months and we will see where it takes us.   What a trip.



Hilary said...

Woohoo! Congrats! Take care of yourself and little Mr. :)

Tammy said...

I'm so excited your having a baby. I'm also so glad you caught the problem in time - nothing is worse than having your little one sick. I hope everything continues to improve!

LaNel loves Kaleb said...

Congrats on the baby coming! Why is it that the 2nd one has to give us a scare? My little one had a brain blockage causing his brain to swell, so we had to go into have ultrasounds every week with him, and we thought that we were going to have to do emergency brain surgery as soon as I delivered (had to take him super early), but with a lot of fasting and prayers, by the time that I delivered, the blockage had gone away, and the welling on the brain had went down. It is a scary thing. I hope that his little heart continues to get better. You will be in my prayers. Hope all goes well.

Susie said...


Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

Congrats Lizzie! Glad things are good right now and hope they are that way the rest of the time.

Becky said...

Congrats! We'll keep you guys in our prayers! And welcome to my world of being totally outnumbered by the boys...including the dogs! :)

Erin Stones said...

Congrats on the new little guy. I am glad to hear you are home. Dennis told me that you were up there at the U but by the time I was back in SLC and could have come to visit you were already headed home. I hope that things remain good for you and him! Good luck!