Monday, March 26, 2012

3rd Day

I'm slowly learning that this is definitely a slow process that is going to take a lot of patience. Little things everyday.

( this picture is right after Henry was born, what a tiny guy)

Today when I visited Hank, he looked a bit better to me. He sure is a puffy little boy though. His nurse was letting him wiggle a bit to try and work down some of his edema. It was fun to see him move around.

He is still in an open warmer bed and can't be held. He really hasn't been cleaned as not to stress him too much. He really needs a bath, but I guess that can wait.

Henry has definitely got some sort of infectious process going on. His blood cultures are still not growing anything though. He is on day 2 of his new antibiotics, and hopefully they will take care of that sooner than later.

Thank heavens, the cardiothoracic surgeons removed his chest tube today and Hank looks so much more comfortable. That's a positive.

Because Henry hasn't been keeping his oxygen sats up, the neonatologists switched him from an oscillator type ventillator to a regular ventilator. He really seems to like that much better and has had better numbers. He does have chest x-rays twice a day to make sure his lungs are not getting over-ventilated.

No blood products today. Yipee!

His heart ECHO today showed that his ductus has closed, but he does have a small hole in his heart that they are watching. They aren't sure if it is a PFO or not. The right side of his heart (the side that pumps to the lungs) seems to have to be working a bit harder and seems enlarged. This is something we will be watching.

Status overall seems to be fairly stable. Maybe a little tiny bit improved.

My favorite things today:

1. Henry squeezing my finger
2. Henry's curly blond hair
3. An ECHO tech that took care of Henry the whole time he was in my belly came and gave him a visit. What a lucky kid! He sure is loved.

Posted from my iPad


Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

Thanks for the updates Lizzy. Hope you are healing well too.

renee said...

we are all thinking of you lady and your family. Henry has our prayers and Steve and Andrew hang in there!!! We love you!!

Tammie said...

So happy he is making progress. So thrilled he held your finger! :) Can't wait to meet him!

Tammie said...
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