Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hank is 3

Yay, Hank turned 3.  This kid is growing at exponential rates.  For his birthday, he graduated from UpTo3 Early Intervention to the School District Preschool.  We had a great experience with his old therapists, but are excited for him to be able to move forward and grow with this new program. 

Monday thru Thursday, the school bus picks up Hank at 1230 for his preschool and drops him off at home at 4.  Kinda scary to send my little 3 year old on a school bus, but I know it’s good for him.

Not sure what to think about the busy.  He really liked the Emergency Exit sign at the top of the bus.  I rode with him the first day, but not anymore. 


We did get a note from his sweet teacher talking about his first day, and it sounds like he’s doing great.  I can’t wait to see how he grows. 

From his sweet teacher Shalese

Hi Liz and Steve,

I just wanted to give you an update on Hank's first two days.  Yesterday there was a lot of new stuff for Hank to take in, and he needed lots of hugs and snuggles to cope with the day.  But today I saw that he is really getting use to the routine.  And we are learning more and more about his likes and dislikes. He has really enjoyed writing with the shaky pens, playing out at recess (he loved to climb up and down the stairs, and watch the kids run fast around him).  Hank is such a sweetheart and learns SO fast!  He is already picking up on PECS during snack (does CRAZY well at it!) is doing great with puzzles, and matching pictures.  

Hooray for amazing teachers! 

Some of Hank’s favorites are snacks, the Wiggles (still), music, dancing, and books.  He likes to make animal sounds and look at his face in the mirror.  He has recently found his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and will point to them about 25% of the time that I ask.  He can also say Mama, Grandma, Ya-Yee (daddy), up, hi, and milk, he just has to say them when he wants to.  He can sign a few things like milk, all done, yes, and no, but won’t do it consistently.  We are happy that he is learning some great new skills and are so proud of him.  This kid works hard and never gives up.  Such an amazing boy. 




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