We put up our first Christmas tree tonight. So much fun. The boys had fun with the train too!

This boy has my heart. He just keeps growing and growing. Look at his 1st school picture.
In the late summer, we lost his favorite Ray Ban glasses. I thought I had misplaced them. Really, we went from July to early November before we found them. Actually, our cute friend who helps us clean our house found them in one of our window seals. Now he won’t take them off.
He is starting to learn how to interact with his little brother. He will say “Hank, do this” and do some sort of something like hit himself in the head, and Hank will do it! They love that game.
Some of his favorite things: playing with the dogs, treats, Aggie games with Dad, and perlers with Mom (Dad helps too)!
He is getting so good with his writing ;) I find little notes and things all over the house. It’s so fun to see him grow.
As you can see, he’s not lacking in self esteem.
Hank is so funny. Yesterday we ran some errands with my mom. We stopped at Tai Pan in Logan. When we got the kids out of the car, Hank just started getting really upset and threw a huge tantrum. Mom scooped him up and we went into the store. While we were shopping, he was ok, but randomly he would tantrum and throw fits. I could not figure out what was setting him off. While Drew and my mom paid, I took Hank out and again in the parking lot he started up again. Scanning around, I figured it out. Taco Time. Every time he saw Taco Time and we didn’t go straight over there, he got upset. Sure enough, we went through the drive through and got Mexi-fries and he was happy. Silly boy.
He’s still doing great in school and working so hard. Right now they are working on eating sandwiches and yogurt. He’s also been working on pointing to body parts. I have reports from school that he can match up uppercase and lowercase letters. Smart boy. He also does jigsaw puzzles. That one surprised me. We’re so happy he’s working so hard.
Hank found a new food that he will actually eat. The only foods he really eats are: mac and cheese, apples, pepperoni, cheese, goldfish crackers (Steve always tells Hank that a boy cannot live off of goldfish alone), potato chips, fries, and McDonalds Nugget Happy Meal. He has picked up milk again after a 4 month hiatus so we are hoping he will start gaining his weight back. My mom also got him to eat some bites of a fat boy and he finally enjoyed some cake the other night for Bill’s birthday (carrot cake – delicious).
His medications are maxed out for his weight and we are hoping that will improve his heart function. He’s still getting lovenox shots to keep his blood thin. He’s been a sport taking at least 9 syringes of medications every day. We will find out how his function is doing in about 4 weeks and are anxious to see. He also got a shipment of beads in from all of his procedures, medications, etc from Beads of Courage. I’m excited for when he gets bigger and can string them up and see all those cool beads he earned by being so brave!
Hank has also been interacting a lot more with his brother which has been so nice for Drew. The other day, he noticed Drew washing himself in the bath and stood and copied what Drew was doing. Hooray for learning by watching.
We try to keep Drew extra busy and always doing new things. I feel like it’s the best way to keep Drew out of trouble (even at age 5). Anyone relate? He loves it though and I feel like he’s up to it.
Lately his creativity has really started to shine through. He has been obsessed with Peanuts and drew these pictures of Charlie Brown and Snoopy for his friend (we have yet to deliver them)!
At least 2 to 3 times a week Drew and I work on perler beads. He found a pattern for Santa’s workshop (a huge 3D undertaking), which we have started on. We will see how it turns out.
I love going through his school work everyday. I volunteer at school once or twice a month and it’s fun to see Drew there. I can tell he gets a bit bored sometimes (is he the only kid in class that peels all the wrappers off his crayons?) but I am glad he is still able to focus on his work and get great scores on his “tests.”
For crazy hair day at school he wanted a Cockatoo Hairstyle which we posted on social media. Drew was so excited to see Emma from The Wiggles noticed his picture and sent him a comment!
Both the boys had school Halloween parties, so Steve and I divided up. I was with Drew and Steve went to ASSERT with Hank.
Halloween Bowling League.
Before trick or treating.
Love this group
Ended the night with Aggie Basketball!
We had such a busy month of October. It flew by. So fun though. Here are our adventures.
School work and school carnivals.
good friends and legos
Dressing the part.
Chips with Grandma and swimming at Grandma’s (ps… little brother has finally conquered his fear of the pool)!
Football games and babysitters (two of the best things – we love you Casey!)
Car obsession
We took an afternoon and went to the American Heritage Center Fall Festival. Drew showed Hank the correct way to ride a pony. (Hank’s first pony ride)!
We did have doctor visits (still chugging along).
I have been able to be a little domestic between some of these things…
bedtime rituals (Drew earned that Death Star by staying in his own bed for 14 nights in a row – it didn’t last)
Just hanging at home.
School field trips (thanks Chambers for the pic!)