Now that Drew is officially one year old, I wanted to keep track of some of the “tricks” he can do.
First Words
- DaDa
- MaMa
- BaBa
- All Done
- Bu-bye
- Up
- Hot
- Hi
Favorite Toys
- Pianos
- Anything in the cupboards
- Balls
- Pooh Puzzle from Grandma
- New Pop-up toy from Steed cousins
- Cookie monster stuffed toy
Favorite Shows (yes – he watches, I know I’m bad)
Fun Activities
- Dancing to music (he does like the hokey-pokey)
- Loves, loves books (he especially likes to pull them off his shelves into his crib to read after bedtime)
- Loves to run errands and visit people with Mama and Grandma
- Giving loves and kisses to stuffed toys, dogs, cats, and people
- Playing with cousins
- Rolling on the floor with his lovey blankets
- Loves to crawl (so much that maybe he will never walk?)

- Has 10 teeth (2 are molars)
- Is crawling everywhere
- Can pull himself up to standing
- Cruises around all the furniture
- Eats all types of foods (some favorites)
- Tuna sandwich
- Bananas
- Strawberries
- Chocolate Milk
- Waves Hi and bye
- Claps his hands