Thursday, March 24, 2011

Baby See

Now that Drew is officially one year old, I wanted to keep track of some of the “tricks” he can do.


First Words

  1. DaDa
  2. MaMa
  3. BaBa
  4. All Done
  5. Bu-bye
  6. Up
  7. Hot
  8. Hi

Favorite Toys


  1. Pianos
  2. Anything in the cupboards
  3. Balls
  4. Pooh Puzzle from Grandma
  5. New Pop-up toy from Steed cousins
  6. Cookie monster stuffed toy


Favorite Shows (yes – he watches, I know I’m bad)

  1. Sesame Street
  2. Baby Einstein – Baby McDonaldIMG_2213

Fun Activities

  1. Dancing to music (he does like the hokey-pokey)
  2. Loves, loves books (he especially likes to pull them off his shelves into his crib to read after bedtime)
  3. Loves to run errands and visit people with Mama and Grandma
  4. Giving loves and kisses to stuffed toys, dogs, cats, and people
  5. Playing with cousins
  6. Rolling on the floor with his lovey blankets
  7. Loves to crawl (so much that maybe he will never walk?)



  1. Has 10 teeth (2 are molars)
  2. Is crawling everywhere
  3. Can pull himself up to standing
  4. Cruises around all the furniture
  5. Eats all types of foods (some favorites)
    1. Tuna sandwich
    2. Bananas
    3. Strawberries
    4. Chocolate Milk
  6. Waves Hi and bye
  7. Claps his hands


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