Thursday, October 4, 2012

falling into fall

Fall is my favorite time of year!  Time has gone so fast though, I can’t believe it’s fall already.

My dogs love this time of year too! 


(Please ignore the horrible weeds in the background, our yard got neglected this summer)

Okay, you guys have heard of katydids right?  Well, I never saw one until last week when there was a really green “leaf” in the middle of all our dead weeds in our yard.  Since then, we have seen more in our yard.  Strange creature.    Can you see it? 


The boys are doing pretty good. 


Drew is having a lot of fun in his school twice a week.  Today before school,  he told me that his brother Hank’s nose (I think he was talking about his cannula) was “awesome” and that “Hank is a robot”.  So funny, since Hank really is kind of  a robot. 


He’s still been getting into lots of trouble.  He really wants to play in water and the toilet lately, but still doesn’t act like he’s ready to be potty trained.  Maybe soon?!

drew bathroom

Hank has been doing awesome.  He is really growing a lot and starting to wake up and be his own little personality (not that he wasn’t before). 

He had his appointment with the eye doctor and the pulmonologist about a week ago down in Salt Lake.  His eyes are good so we don’t have to go back there, which is awesome.  The pulmonologist said he was doing really well.  He reminded me that the oxygen wasn’t the enemy and to give Hank time to wean.  It was a good reminder that his oxygen doesn’t define him, though it seems to sometimes (or at least rule his life).  He said his lungs looked better than the last x-ray and reminded us about the upcoming RSV season and to keep Hank home most of the time.  Ok, I guess. 

Hank is growing up fast.  He is 6 months now (really like 3&1/2 or 4) and is growing really well.  He fits right in on the graph for 4 months old as far as his stats go (he weighs over 13 pounds), but falls off the graph for a 6 month old (but just barely).  I think he will catch up eventually. 

We did take him out to the Aggie game the other day!  He had a fun time and was a champ.  We had no problems at all and it made me feel better about taking him around a bit more. 

hank aggie

Speaking of Utah State, they play BYU this weekend.  I think we have a chance!  Go Aggies!


Becky said...

We love fall here too! Looks like things are going well for you guys. I really like the dog pictures and the katydid give your boys a couple years and they will be collecting them and keeping them in jars in the house :). Hope you had a good birthday!

Anonymous said...

Hank is so big and so cute!! I'm glad you guys are all doing well. Miss seeing you!

Jen Wykstra