Friday, May 4, 2012


My baby has graduated to a crib.  Yipee.  This means he can regulate his body temperature on his one.  He’s getting bigger every day!


Also, the debate is over.  Hank can be held, with the following conditions:

  1. 3 times a week only
  2. During daytime hours only
  3. Mom and Dad only

We are happy to be able to hold him even if it’s only 3 days a week.



He had an additional eye exam.  I think he has one weekly until his eyes are fully developed.  His development has moved to zone 3, which is great (last week he was in 2).  I’m not exactly sure what that means, but it’s good.   You can see the different zones in the picture below. 


His eye exam also showed no signs of retinopathy of prematurity, which is great! 


Hank is 6 weeks old!  Can’t believe it. 


In this picture, you can see the top of the scar where they went in to put the pacer wires in.  If you look close, you can see the blue pacer wires underneath the tape on his belly. 



Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

Yea! now both boys are in cribs

renee said...

He looks great Liz and Steve. Hugs to you all!!

Tammie said...

Congratulations little guy! That is so exciting. I'm so happy he has grown so much :)He is so cute!