Monday, April 1, 2013


Both of my big boys have been practicing new skills lately.  Check them out. 

Hank has been practicing eating lots of “real” food lately, with his 2 new teeth (plus two more on the way).  He has two that have broke through on the bottom, and two more on the top are working their way out.  It has made for a feisty little guy, but we are happy he is finally getting some teeth. 



Can you see them? 


Hank has also been trying really hard to crawl.  See him practicing?  In this video, he is trying really hard to get his daddy’s phone (his favorite toy). 

We have also attempted to train Drew to use the potty.  Challenging, but I think he is ready.  We are still practicing a lot, and will probably continue for awhile.  Good luck to us. 


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