Monday, April 16, 2012

same old

So we copied my sister Lori and got Drew the same bike that she got for her 2 year old. 


Drew really seems to like it, except he doesn’t know how to ride it.  At least while we are here at my grandma’s condo, he can ride it in the hallways which are carpeted.  It’s a good place to learn. 


Henry is doing pretty good.  The nurse made footprints and handprints for me.  I’m glad we got them while he is still really small.  Speaking of size, Hank now weighs 1300 grams, at least today he does.  That is the same as 2 pounds and 13 ounces, so he is up 4 ounces from his birth weight.  Hopefully he keeps trending up and fast (to get to 8 or 9 pounds is going to take forever)!


He spends most of his day lounging around with his lovely CPAP.  He tolerates it pretty well though.  On Saturday, they pulled his PICC line, so he has to get his antibiotics through a peripheral IV.  The antibiotics are the only thing he gets intravenously.   He has graduated to full feeds that are fortified.  This means he gets more calories than are actually in the milk.  He is no longer on TPN, yipee.  All of his other medications, he takes orally (caffeine, hydrocortisone, and multivitamins).  His progress has definitely been positive. 

hank's face

Isn’t it fun to actually see his face? 


Lounging around.

drew playing    

Drew spends his time going to the museum, parks, zoo, and walks downtown.  He is adjusting a little bit more to being away from home, but mostly he just acts like a two year old.  He does enjoy it when we go home for a day and get to see cousins and pets.  Now I just need to find him a friend to play with in Salt Lake.   Any takers?

When Steve is in town, we spend our time taking turns at the hospital and playing with Drew.  We really don’t spend the whole day at the hospital because it’s better for Hank to be in his little house keeping warm, sleeping, and growing.  As soon as he is ready, we will be there more, hopefully getting to hold him and snuggle a bit.  For now, we are very good at just observing!


laura said...

Great post. Sounds so good. Sending my grow vibes hanks way.

Lori said...

Your little family will get through this. Drew looks good. It's great to know baby Hank is doing well with his feeds and stuff, seems like 5 steps forward this time? Keep up the good work. See you soon!

Lindsey Jaye Parry said...

Did you get my facebook message? We are free to hang out whenever. Aquarium or just hang out at our house to break up your days at Grandmas. let me know

Unknown said...

Glad Hank has gained weight!! Progress is great. I love the bike in the halls of the condo, so cool. We are praying for you.